our therapeutic approach is focused on the body’s innate healing mechanisms for optimal health.

consequently, we have partnered with lifewave, a company that aligns its vision perfectly with our own, to bring you an innovative, patented technology called photobiomodulation (or phototherapy in short) for your journey towards wellness.

click the “lifewave” button below to shop

please check out the videos below to learn more about the lifewave phototherapy technology.

if you have any questions you would like to ask us before purchasing, please connect with us via the “contact us” form below (scroll down past the lifewave videos)


what is phototherapy?
Lifewave introduction: phototherapy for the future
lifewave x39 stemcell patch product overview

please connect with us via the form below if you would like additional info:

the following resources are provided for you for free, for a limited time only. Please enjoy!