The *quantume* IS A NON-INVASIVE integrative assessment tool which looks at the physical and subtle dimensions associated with an illness or discomfort you may be experiencing

*functional lab analysis* are non-invasive tests which help describe how your body functions as a whole, within specific parameters of health that are unique to you

the *Enneagram* personality type test helps you discover your inborn temperament profile, which affects the way you see & adapt to the world within and around you

emotional states and mental attitudes are important elements in disease development & healing and can be addressed via *lifestyle counseling* & *stress management* techniques

*cellular nutrition* uses food & supplements as the basis for correcting health issues, with highly efficient results but fewer complications & side effects

herbs, aromatherapy, and homeopathic preparations are recommended for their healing properties and used in conjunction with other natural remedies

*Microcurrent therapy* uses electrical impulses at a very low frequency to impact the way your body’s cells communicate with each other, promoting healing and pain relief

*Photobiomodulation* uses specific wavelengths of light or lower-lever laser therapy to stimulate a response from the body, promoting cell regeneration and wellbeing